Since an organization is a living being that must adapt itself to its internal and external environment’s ever-changing paradigms, it is vital that it manages these adjustments properly to remain efficient, effective, and competitive. Currently, the managers are facing a historical situation, where for the first time four different generations are working simultaneously within the same workplace. At HumaniLex, our experts offer legal and coaching services to help managers face these emerging challenges.
We frequently act as neutral and impartial investigators further to harassment complaints, misconduct allegations, discrimination complaints, or violence in the workplace. We also conduct workplace climate diagnosis for prevention and improvement purposes.
All our workplace investigations regarding psychological or sexual harassment, and violence are conducted in accordance with the directives of the Quebec Bar Association’s Guide des meilleures pratiques à l’intention des avocats effectuant des enquêtes de harcèlement psychologique en milieu de travail.
When a dispute in the workplace cannot be resolved internally, an experienced certified mediator using an empathetic and human approach might help the parties involved settle their dispute and reach a mutually satisfying solution. In addition, mediation may prove to be an excellent means to avoid litigation of work-related issues.
Magalie is a member at the Institut de médiation et d’arbitrage du Québec and she is accredited by the Quebec Bar as a civil law, commercial law, and labour law mediator. She provides work-related disputes mediation and facilitation services as an alternative dispute prevention or resolution process.
Mediation can also be an excellent way to avoid litigation with employment related matters.
Maintaining and managing knowledge capital is essential for an organization. Know-how might rapidly turn into an undeniable competitive edge for a company or an organization and propel them beyond the competition. Some employers even have a legal obligation to train their employees pursuant to Quebec’s Act to promote workforce skills development and recognition.
At HumaniLex, we offer targeted trainings to meet our clients’ specific needs in order for their human resources to be set in a healthy and performing working environment which becomes a source of innovation and inspiration. These services include:
These training sessions are offered both in French and English.