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Beyond the law; within human capital

Labour and employment law firm specializing in alternate dispute management and resolution

Welcome to HumaniLex

Combining a solid expertise in human resources management with law, we are committed to assisting business managers working for organizations of all sizes to help them take up challenges related to human resources in a workplace environment and turn difficult situations into opportunities.

We do this by providing preventive and conflict management services as well as conducting harassment or misconduct investigations.  We also provide mediation, negotiation, and labour relations management services.  Finally, we provide targeted training to meet our clients’ specific needs.

Explore our expertise

Our Approach

We approach all our mandates in a human, careful, and accessible way, based on our long-held values of professionalism, active listening, and integrity.  Our services meet the highest confidentiality and ethical standards.

Contact Us
Magalie Poulin
Magalie Poulin
Founding lawyer and mediator
A combination of expertise to assist you in conflict resolution.
Counselling – Investigations - Mediation
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